平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [美國直購] Logitech 920-007824 12.9吋 羅技 鍵盤保護殼 Create Backlit Keyboard Case with Smart Connector for iPad Pro
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [美國直購] Logitech 920-007824 12.9吋 羅技 鍵盤保護殼 Create Backlit Keyboard Case with Smart Connector for iPad Pro
[美國直購] Logitech 920-007824 12.9吋 羅技 鍵盤保護殼 Create Backlit Keyboard Case with Smart Connector for iPad Pro
[美國直購] Logitech 920-007824 12.9吋 羅技 鍵盤保護殼 Create Backlit Keyboard Case with Smart Connector for iPad Pro

the most advanced power: powered directly by the iPad Pro via Apple smart connector, no charging needed
Logitech's best iPad keyboard: Well-spaced keys with adjustable backlighting
· dedicated row of iOS shortcut keys: one-tap to home, screen brightness adjustment, search, language switch, keyboard backlighting adjustment, media controls, Volume controls, iPad on/off sleep/wake
The most advanced connectivity: connects to your iPad Pro via Apple smart connector, no Bluetooth pairing needed
· built-in fabric Pencil holder: keeps your Apple Pencil in easy reach so you never lose it
Product Description
Size: 9.7 inch | Color: Black
Logi create is a keyboard case for iPad Pro. Create connects to iPad Pro via Apple smart connector, so it does not require Bluetooth pairing or charging. Create features a keyboard with well-spaced backlit keys and a dedicated row of iOS shortcuts that make typing a pleasure
Product Information
Size:9.7 inch | Color:Black
Technical Details
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Other Technical Details
Brand Name:Logitech
Item model number:920-008131
Item Weight:9.8 ounces
Product Dimensions:7 x 0.9 x 9.8 inches
Item Dimensions L x W x H:7.05 x 0.95 x 9.76 inches

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[美國直購] Logitech 920-007824 12.9吋 羅技 鍵盤保護殼 Create Backlit Keyboard Case with Smart Connector for iPad Pro

相關 [美國直購] Logitech 920-007824 12.9吋 羅技 鍵盤保護殼 Create Backlit Keyboard Case with Smart Connector for iPad Pro
有部舊機~砌出黎既~ pentium4 3.0 130GB(hardisk) 1gb(ram) 用左5 6年~~ 唔知用$500買番黎抵唔抵呢..?
$500其實絕對ok 但係肯定部機要用到 如果唔係你幾平買部機都無用 但係肯定是無保養的 所以最好自己衡量一下輕重 但係 如果係我 我就會博一博 因為就算cpu果d唔得 ram都可以拆返出來用 唔蝕得幾多
[美國直購] Logitech 920-007824 12.9吋 羅技 鍵盤保護殼 Create Backlit Keyboard Case with Smart Connector for iPad Pro