
平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [103 美國直購 USAShop] LaCie 便攜式硬盤驅動器 Rugged Hard Disk Triple 1 TB USB 3.0 Firewire 800 (2x) Portable Hard Drive 301984_mr $8374


就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [103 美國直購 USAShop] LaCie 便攜式硬盤驅動器 Rugged Hard Disk Triple 1 TB USB 3.0 Firewire 800 (2x) Portable Hard Drive 301984_mr $8374


[103 美國直購 USAShop] LaCie 便攜式硬盤驅動器 Rugged Hard Disk Triple 1 TB USB 3.0 Firewire 800 (2x) Portable Hard Drive 301984_mr $8374


[103 美國直購 USAShop] LaCie 便攜式硬盤驅動器 Rugged Hard Disk Triple 1 TB USB 3.0 Firewire 800 (2x) Portable Hard Drive 301984_mr $8374


20140423cc_LaCie 301984


Product Details

Product Dimensions: 3.5 x 1 x 5.7 inches ; 8.8 ounces

Shipping Weight: 15.5 ounces


Item model number: 301984

Technical Specifications

Capacity: 500GB/1TB

Rotational Speed: 5400/7200RPM

Maximum Transfer Rate: Up to 110MB (500GB); up to 80MB (1TB)

Interface: 1 x USB 3.0 port (USB 2.0-compatible), 2 x FireWire 800 port

Interface Transfer Rate: USB 3.0: up to 5Gb/s; USB 2.0: up to 480Mb/s; FireWire 800: up to 800Mb/s; FireWire 400: up to 400Mb/s (cable sold separately)

Dimensions (WxDxH): 90 x 28 x 145 mm / 3.5' x 1' x 5.7'

Weight: 260 g / 9.2 oz.

Product Description

The LaCie Rugged Triple Hard Disk provides universal connectivity: you've got the superior speeds of USB 3.0 and FireWire 800, and full backward compatibility with FireWire 400 and USB 2.0. You can transfer a 700MB video file in less than 7 seconds with USB 3.0, compared to 25 seconds with USB 2.0 With the Rugged Triple's 7200rpm model, you can even achieve speeds up to 110MB/s. Additionally, you can use the LaCie Mac USB 3.0 Driver to improve data transfer speed on your Mac (up to a 30% performance increase compared to FireWire 800). Whether your goal is super speed or complete compatibility, the Rugged Triple has everything you need. The Rugged is one of our most popular hard disks, and it's the best way to protect your data. It conforms to military standard 810-F, and can support drops from up to two meters. It helps you carry your files with confidence, no matter where the road takes you, thanks to its shock-absorbing sleeve, aluminum anti-scratch casing, internal rubber bumpers, and a 1000g shock-resistant hard drive. Calculations are based on average read time. LaCie AES 256-bit encryption software comes standard with the Rugged Triple. We've made it easy for you to create a password-protected area on your drive where you can securely store all of your confidential information. AES 256-bit encryption technology is one of the most robust on the market today, and makes the Rugged Triple more secure than ever. The Rugged Triple also offers easy setup and automatic backup on both PC and Mac computers. It also features an automatic Eco mode that lowers the power consumption by up to 40% when not in use, increasing the battery life of your notebook. In addition, you get 10GB of Wuala Online Storage included for one year to securely store and share your data online.

[103 美國直購 USAShop] LaCie 便攜式硬盤驅動器 Rugged Hard Disk Triple 1 TB USB 3.0 Firewire 800 (2x) Portable Hard Drive 301984_mr $8374

相關 [103 美國直購 USAShop] LaCie 便攜式硬盤驅動器 Rugged Hard Disk Triple 1 TB USB 3.0 Firewire 800 (2x) Portable Hard Drive 301984_mr $8374





特殊符號`U有哪些? 誰能跟我說!? 越多越好


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?? 複製方法 ?? 特殊符號打法(內碼) ??利用無蝦米輸入法或內碼輸入法 圖片參考: ?? 複製方法: 先把符號用文字檔存起來(編碼選unicode) 要的時候用複製 [Ctrl] + [C], 貼上 [Ctrl] + [V] 也比較簡單快捷 Windows內建的 [記事本]可以用文字檔unicode儲存圖案了 在 [記事本] 中使用不同的語言格式 存擋時選[另存新擋]之後下面還會有選[編碼]。 ? 特殊符號 ☆★ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ㊣◎○●⊕⊙○●△▲◇◆□■?▄ ▌? ???? ???? ?? ? ? ? ?????★☆??☉?????????????????????????????? ??????????????????♀?♂??????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ? 音樂符號 ?? ???∮※∴∵?∽?? ? 線框 ├ ─ ┼ ┴ ┬ ┤└ ┘┌┐╞ ═ ╪ ╡│╭ ╮╰ ╯╔ ╦ ╗╠ ═ ╬ ╣ ╓ ╥ ╖╒ ╤ ╕║╚ ╩ ╝╟ ╫ ╢╙ ╨ ╜╞ ╪ ╡╘ ╧ ╛ ? 線段 ﹣﹦≡|∣∥–︱—︳?ˉ  ̄ ﹉ ﹊ ﹍ ﹎﹋ ﹌﹏ ︴∕﹨╱╲ ? 日文字母 あ い う え お か き く け こ さ し す せ そ た ち つ て と な に ぬ ね の は ひ ふ へ ほ ま み む め も ら り る れ ろ や ゆ よ わ ゐ ゑ を ん が ぎ ぐ げ ご ざ じ ず ぜ ぞ だ ぢ づ で ど ぁ ぃ ぅ ぇ ぉ ゎ ゃ ゅ ょ ア イ ウ エ オ カ キ ク ケ コ サ シ ス セ ソ タ チ ツ テ ト ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ ハ ヒ フ ヘ ホ マ ミ ム メ モ ラ リ ル レ ロ ヤ ユ ヨ ワ ヰ ヱ ヲ ン ? ? ? ヽ ダ ヂ ヅ デ ド ヾ ヴ ? ? ー パ ピ プ ペ ポ ?? 特殊符號打法(內碼) 首先先轉成新注音法 [要半型] 然後找鍵盤上面的[`]這個點在Tab鍵的上方 再按[u]鍵就會出現一個打內碼的地方 只要打上正確的內碼就可以打各種特殊符號! (打內碼的數字不可以用九宮格的數字要用ㄅㄆㄇㄈ鍵盤上的數字! )參 考 內 碼 : ?=2665★=2605☆=2606 ♀=2640 ♂=2642 〒=3012 ∩=2229 〃=3003 △=25b3 ▲=25b2 ▽=25bd ▼=25bc □=25a1 ■=25a0 ℅=2105 £=ffe1 ¢=ffe0⊙=2299 ▁=2581 ▂=2582 ▃=2583▄=2584 ▅=2585 ▆=2586 ▇=2587█=2588 ▏=258f ▎=258e ▍=258d▌=258c ▋=288b ▊=258a 利用無蝦米輸入法或內碼輸入法:用嘸蝦米能輸入的所有特殊符號,依照內碼表排列出來,大致上完成了。 有些事情要特別注意的: 1. 不能以嘸蝦米打出來的特殊符號,下面留了空位。如要使用那些 符號,請將它們放進「加字加詞」檔。 2. 很多符號都有超過一種輸入碼,我只選了我認為最好打、最易記 的一個碼。 3. 輸入碼旁邊有*號的符號,表示在輸入時需要選字。 ? 一般符號 ┌──┬───┬──┬──┬───┬──┬──┬───┬──┐ │符號│嘸蝦米│內碼│符號│嘸蝦米│內碼│符號│嘸蝦米│內碼│ ├──┴───┴──┼──┴───┴──┼──┴───┴──┤ │ # ,JJV A1AD│ ◇ ,FN * A1BA│ ˉ A1C2│ │ & ,AND A1AE│ ◆ ,FN * A1BB│  ̄ A1C3│ │ * ,XJ A1AF│ □ ,FN A1BC│ _ ,EE A1C4│ │ ※ ,XF A1B0│ ■ ,FNV A1BD│ ? A1C5│ │ § ,SS A1B1│ ▽ ,SN * A1BE│ ﹉ ,EEE A1C6│ │ 〃 ,PP * A1B2│ ▼ ,SN * A1BF│ ﹊ ,E.E A1C7│ │ ○ O A1B3│ ㊣ ,OEZ A1C0│ ﹍ ,EEEV A1C8│ │ ● ,OV A1B4│ ℅ ,CPO A1C1│ ﹎ ,E.EV A1C9│ │ △ ,SN A1B5│ │ ﹋ ,M * A1CA│ │ ▲ ,SN * A1B6│ │ ﹌ ,M * A1CB│ │ ◎ ,OO * A1B7│ │ ﹟ ,JJ * A1CC│ │ ☆ ,DSE A1B8│ │ ﹠ ,S * A1CD│ │ ★ ,DSR A1B9│ │ ﹡ ,XI A1CE│ └─────────┴─────────┴─────────┘|||||大大您好:我的部落格裡有很多關於 符號表的 符號對鷹表哦 您可以參考看看! 網址如下:!yfCCdAOLFEKlm_CHCRxIi3o.g6plHfF5 先給您一些:? = 0b9c ? = 0d07 ? = 0a74 ? = 0CC0 ? = 0aea ? = 0aed ? = 0b93 ?2660 ?2661 ?2662 ?2663 ?2664 ?2665 ?2666 ?2667 ?2668 ?2669 ?266A ?266B ?266C ?266D ?266E ?266F ★2605 ☆2606 ☉2609 ?260E ?260F ?261C ?261E ?263A ?263B ?263C ♀2640 ?2641 ♂2642 Д0414 ?0488 ?0489 ?047C ?047D ?047E ?2590 ?2591 ?2592 ▓2593 ▔2594 ▕2595 ?2591 ?2592 ?25A3 ?25A4 ?25A5 ?25A6 ?25A7 ?25A8 ?25A9 ?25C8 ?25C9 ?25CA ○25CB ?25CC ◎25CE ●25CF ?25D0 ?25D1 ?25D8 ?25D9 ?25EF ?20AA 3314 ミ30DF ゞ309E 一3192 二3193 三3194 四3195 上3196 中3197 下3198 甲3199 乙319A 丙319B 丁319C 天319D 地319E 人319F|||||我目前在外面 家中才有許多特殊符號表 回到家我在MaIL給你 ^^ ?=`U2665 ?=`U2660 ?=`U2666 家中還有許多 在寄給你

[103 美國直購 USAShop] LaCie 便攜式硬盤驅動器 Rugged Hard Disk Triple 1 TB USB 3.0 Firewire 800 (2x) Portable Hard Drive 301984_mr $8374


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