

【迪特軍3C】aigo 極光 LED 散熱風扇 12CM 紅極光 大4P接頭 持續紅光 電腦風扇


就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 【迪特軍3C】aigo 極光 LED 散熱風扇 12CM 紅極光 大4P接頭 持續紅光 電腦風扇


【迪特軍3C】aigo 極光 LED 散熱風扇 12CM 紅極光 大4P接頭 持續紅光 電腦風扇


【迪特軍3C】aigo 極光 LED 散熱風扇 12CM 紅極光 大4P接頭 持續紅光 電腦風扇



【迪特軍3C】aigo 極光 LED 散熱風扇 12CM 紅極光 大4P接頭 持續紅光 電腦風扇

相關 【迪特軍3C】aigo 極光 LED 散熱風扇 12CM 紅極光 大4P接頭 持續紅光 電腦風扇





1.請通知我們將於何處見面2.請確認誰將是新的代理3.請指示付款是如何清償4.請告知那種式樣你較喜歡5.訂單CK-09號吊扇將於七月二日由香港輪V-47運出6.訂購的靴子將於八月十日由九龍輪V-65運出7.所訂購的氣球已於五月五日由東方王子輪V-505運出8.訂單PS-01及PS-02已於六月十日一起由長榮輪V-21運出9.依報紙報導,貿易量已增加10.為增加產量,我們已採大量生產11.關於最小訂量,我們規定美金三千元12.在收到預估發票,請即開初信用狀13.如所答應的,訂單將於五月中出貨14.如所安排的,訂貨在出口前必經檢驗15.如所提到的,此手... 顯示更多 1.請通知我們將於何處見面 2.請確認誰將是新的代理 3.請指示付款是如何清償 4.請告知那種式樣你較喜歡 5.訂單CK-09號吊扇將於七月二日由香港輪V-47運出 6.訂購的靴子將於八月十日由九龍輪V-65運出 7.所訂購的氣球已於五月五日由東方王子輪V-505運出 8.訂單PS-01及PS-02已於六月十日一起由長榮輪V-21運出 9.依報紙報導,貿易量已增加 10.為增加產量,我們已採大量生產 11.關於最小訂量,我們規定美金三千元 12.在收到預估發票,請即開初信用狀 13.如所答應的,訂單將於五月中出貨 14.如所安排的,訂貨在出口前必經檢驗 15.如所提到的,此手工藝品可享受優惠關稅 16.如所指示的,我們的徵信社將調查你們的信用狀況 17.請求你們的諒解 18.感激你們的惠顧 19.期盼你們的光臨 20.邀請你們的投資 21.銷售確認書已寄出,請確認信用狀 22.市場變得更競爭,請準時出貨 23.貿易不景氣影響銷售,請暫停製造 24.電子計算機現很暢銷,請加速生產


1.請通知我們將於何處見面 Please advise where we shall meet. 2.請確認誰將是新的代理 Please advise as to who will be the new agent. 3.請指示付款是如何清償 Please advise as to how the advance will be repaid. 4.請告知那種式樣你較喜歡 Please advise as which style you prefer. 5.訂單CK-09號吊扇將於七月二日由香港輪V-47運出 The ceiling fan in order CK-09 will be sailing from Hong Kong on July 2nd, via V-47. 6.訂購的靴子將於八月十日由九龍輪V-65運出. The boots ordered will be sailing from Kowloon on August 10th via V-65. 7.所訂購的氣球已於五月五日由東方王子輪V-505運出 The balloons ordered was on board Oriental Pince sailing May 5th via V-505. 8.訂單PS-01及PS-02已於六月十日一起由長榮輪V-21運出 On June 21 PO PS-01 and PS-02 sailed on Evergreen V-21. 9.依報紙報導,貿易量已增加 According to the newspapers, the trading volume has increased. 10.為增加產量,我們已採大量生產 We decided to go into mass production to increase volume. 11.關於最小訂量,我們規定美金三千元 As to minimum order, we have decided on US$3,000. 12.在收到預估發票,請即開初信用狀 Kindly issue the Letter of Credit when you received the proforma invoice. 13.如所答應的,訂單將於五月中出貨 As promised, the order will be shipped in mid May. 14.如所安排的,訂貨在出口前必經檢驗 As previously organized, the goods will be inspected prior to shipment. 15.如所提到的,此手工藝品可享受優惠關稅 As advise before, the handicraft items can enjoy concessions in customs duty. 16.如所指示的,我們的徵信社將調查你們的信用狀況 As directed, our credit agency will be investigating your company's credit situation. 17.請求你們的諒解 We ask for your understanding. 18.感激你們的惠顧 We appreciate your business. 19.期盼你們的光臨 We look forward to your visit. 20.邀請你們的投資 We invite your investment. 21.銷售確認書已寄出,請確認信用狀 22.市場變得更競爭,請準時出貨 23.貿易不景氣影響銷售,請暫停製造 24.電子計算機現很暢銷,請加速生產 2010-11-13 22:47:13 補充: 21. Order acknowledgement has been sent. Please confirm the issuance of Letter of Credit. 22. The market is becoming more competitive. Please ship on time. 2010-11-13 22:47:29 補充: 23. The recession has decreased sales. Please suspend manufacturing for now. 24. Electronic calculators are selling well now. Please expedite production.


1. Please let us know where the meeting will be 2. Please confirm who will be the new agent 3. Please indicate how the settlement payment 4. Please inform the kind of style you prefer 5. Order CK-09 号 ceiling fan will be on July 2 by the Hong Kong round of the V-47 out of 6. Order of the boots will be Aug. 10 from Kowloon round of V-65 out of 7. The order was May 5 balloon round the prince from the East out of V-505 8. Order PS-01 and PS-02 was on June 10 by the EVA wheels with V-21 out of 9. According to newspaper reports, trade has increased 10. To increase production, we have adopted mass production 11. On the minimum order quantity, we require that U.S. dollars three thousand yuan 12. Upon receipt of estimated invoice, which means that the initial letters of credit 13. As promised, the order will be shipped in mid-May 14. If the arrangement, orders must be inspected before export 15. As mentioned, the arts and crafts can enjoy the preferential tariff 16. As is indicated, our credit information agencies will investigate your credit status 17. Ask for your understanding 18. Grateful for your patronage 19. Look forward to your visit 20. Invite your investment 21. Sales confirmation has been sent, make sure the credit 22. Markets become more competitive, please be on time shipment 23. Trade recession impact on sales, please stop manufacturing 24. Computer is very popular, please speed up production|||||1. Please let us know where the meeting will be 2. Please confirm who will be the new agent 3. Please indicate how the settlement payment 4. Please inform the kind of style you prefer 5. Order CK-09 号 ceiling fan will be on July 2 by the Hong Kong round of the V-47 out of 6. Order of the boots will be Aug. 10 from Kowloon round of V-65 out of 7. The order was May 5 balloon round the prince from the East out of V-505 8. Order PS-01 and PS-02 was on June 10 by the EVA wheels with V-21 out of 9. According to newspaper reports, trade has increased 10. To increase production, we have adopted mass production 11. On the minimum order quantity, we require that U.S. dollars three thousand yuan 12. Upon receipt of estimated invoice, which means that the initial letters of credit 13. As promised, the order will be shipped in mid-May 14. If the arrangement, orders must be inspected before export 15. As mentioned, the arts and crafts can enjoy the preferential tariff 16. As is indicated, our credit information agencies will investigate your credit status 17. Ask for your understanding 18. Grateful for your patronage 19. Look forward to your visit 20. Invite your investment 21. Sales confirmation has been sent, make sure the credit 22. Markets become more competitive, please be on time shipment 23. Trade recession impact on sales, please stop manufacturing 24. Computer is very popular, please speed up production

【迪特軍3C】aigo 極光 LED 散熱風扇 12CM 紅極光 大4P接頭 持續紅光 電腦風扇


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