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[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Middle School Advantage 2010 [Old Version]


[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Middle School Advantage 2010 [Old Version]


Middle School Advantage 2010 is a complete student resource center that combines lessons, exercises and quizzes with additional learning resources

Provides an interactive learning experience and the tools students need to gain learning confidence and improve their grades

Interactive lessons and exercises that reinforce classroom learning; brain-building games add fun to studying

Allows your child to learn at his/her own pace, improve study habits, identify problem areas and review lessons as needed

Includes helpful reference tools plus iPod study materials

Middle School Advantage 2010 is a complete student resource center that combines lessons, exercises and quizzes with additional learning resources

Provides an interactive learning experience and the tools students need to gain learning confidence and improve their grades

Interactive lessons and exercises that reinforce classroom learning; brain-building games add fun to studying

Allows your child to learn at his/her own pace, improve study habits, identify problem areas and review lessons as needed

Includes helpful reference tools plus iPod study materials

Advantage provides an interactive learning experience and the tools students need to gain learning confidence and improve their grades. Help your child build a solid academic foundation with Middle School Advantage, a complete student resource center that combines lessons, exercises and quizzes with additional learning resources to support and motivate your child in reaching his full academic potential.With Middle School Advantage, your child will develop and test his knowledge in Math, English, Social Studies, Science and Foreign Language. Additional study aids such as iPod study materials and Encyclopedia Britannica Ready Reference will help support the learning process while brain-building games make studying fun!

Shipping Weight: 8 ounces


Item model number: 17270

[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Middle School Advantage 2010 [Old Version]

相關 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Middle School Advantage 2010 [Old Version]







100年前,芦(沟桥)汉(口)铁路郑县火车站在河南黄河花园口边诞生了, 那时的火车站只有两间平房、四条股道。 伴随着郑县火车站的发展, 火车拉来了现代化城市--郑州。 2004年,百年郑州站翻天巨变, 每天接发旅客列车229列, 每日过往人流近15万人次。 10月29日,郑州火车站举行建站百年庆典。 郑州火车站党委书记邓捷在站史陈列室对记者说: “百年郑州站,见证了中国铁路的发展历程。” 地处京广铁路与陇海铁路交汇点的郑州火车站, 是全国铁路特等客运站, 也是全路最大的行包中转站, 素有中国铁路客运的“心脏”之称。 1949年新中国成立时,全国2.1万多公里铁路中, 能够维持通车的仅有1.1万公里。那时的郑州火车站, 各扳道房首次安装磁石电话, 此前都是铁路工人掂着喇叭来回奔跑喊叫; 当时的到发车股道只有7股。 1952年全年的客运总量为376万人次。 即使到了上个世纪六七十年代,也只有四个候车大棚, 乘客多时排着队在大街上绕。 目前我国铁路的营业里程约为7.3万公里, 郑州火车站的调度中心也全部实行了智能化调度, 全站拥有64个售票窗口、22个市内车票代售点、30条电话订票热线。 2003年,郑州火车站的客运总量为3064万人次,是解放初期的近10倍。 上个世纪八十年代后期开始的郑州火车站一期改造工程, 历时12年完工。3000多平方米的售票大厅是改建前的10倍, 2.4万平方米的高架候车室是改造前的3倍, 可同时容纳近2万人候车,露天候车成为历史。 1988年,郑州火车站每天接发旅客列车还不足百列, 始发车也只有十几趟。15年过去了, 现在接发列车翻了一番还要多, 平均每5分钟就要到发一列火车。 作为全国3个特等客运站之一, 郑州火车站曾经是所有客运列车必停之地, 换乘、小憩、加水、换机车…… 2004年4月18日铁路实施第五次调图提速后, 郑州火车站首次办理一站直达的“点对点”通过列车, 结束了百年来列车“过站必停”的历史。


火車在日月中演變進步, 有幾個不同階段的發展是非常劃時代的, 即: 1. 用煤燒水(蒸汽)的方式來驅動火車 (這也是"火車"之名由來的原因, 也有叫做蒸氣火車的), 2. 用柴油作為燃料來驅動火車 (這階段應稱為柴油機車), 3. 用電來驅動列車, 即是現在的模式了. 當然, 每一個階段中, 也有很多不同車型的發展, 但卻不能稱為劃時代的階段了.

[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Middle School Advantage 2010 [Old Version]


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